Who has the cutest pet at Headway Gippsland?These are the much-loved companions of our staff.Thank you for voting.Voting has now closed. Colin This is Molley.she sadly passed away last year Jess This is Pickles.favourite past-time is a good brushknown to collect humans – was once found in the neighbour’s window Joanne This is Pepper.loves a game more than foodtransforms from sheep dog to glamour dog when groomed Tina This is Arnold.11 year old pugloves caravan trips Steph This is Daisy and Rocky.Daisy is a kind-hearted beautiful doggoRocky is cheeky and very naughty Amy This is Diesel.loves going on holidayshappy to be smothered by a 2 year old and 5 year old Janet This is Merle.great study buddyknown to appear in Zoom classes Debra This is Molly.Neighbourhood WatchDebra’s walking buddy Michael and Hilton This is Lucky.likes to scare the dogshas a good right punch, that is why Lucky’s nickname is Rocky Teagan This is Turbo.enjoys all things enginesis always first to jump in ready to go Majella This is Marlee.loves to be the centre of attentionloves a puppachino Lisa K This is Lily, Lola, Barbara and Betty.all LOVE food, any food, particularly donutsvery affectionate, mostly when food is on offer Jenelle This is Willow.surfer girlbest friend to Wilfred Emer and Amber This is Lucky.not afraid of dogsa very cuddly cat Claudia This is Max.always ready to greet you with a smilewill take any opportunity to jump and lick you in the face Nicky This is Jade.very cuddly and loves strawberry jamis in love with fellow donkey Jake Ben This is Maisey.found at 10 weeks old sleeping under the hood of Ben’s car, next to the enginenew nickname is Big Fat Fish Kim This is Buddy.a happy friendly dog who loves all peopleloves walks and trips to the park Lora This is Leo.an absolute gunpart of his brain did not develop before birth so he has a pretty cool walk